Seiko High School

Today was the first day that we were able to go to Seiko High School! We woke up at 5 AM and had a nice team breakfast and meeting at 6! We all walked over to Fukushima Station and rode the train to Seiko.


It was amazing at Seiko! First we went to chapel and welcomed all of the students to school, and into chapel. We went to the first class of freshmen and introduced everyone. We met all of the students in the English class. Then we split up into groups and rotated around in a circle so we could ask all of the students In the class simple questions about who they were, and what their favorite things were. We did that in three separate classes in a row and then the boys and girls split up for lunch. All of the boys went to the dorms where the baseball players stay. We were able to connect more with those students by not being in a classroom and seeing them when they are at their favorite part of the day. We all had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch, and it fascinated them. Even with the language barrier we were able to show God’s love through our actions and smiles.

After lunch we went to the track and ran 100 meter relays with the PE class. Then our day at the school was over, and the students were thankful that we were able to help them learn English from real natural speakers. After school we rode the train back to the church to get ready for the community dinner. Before dinner we played outside with the little kids, and the Seiko students.

At the church we had a community dinner, with our team, people from the church, and some students from the Seiko school. Some of the ladies from the church, and LCF students helped make the dinner. It was called Somen, which is a dish with cold ramen noodles put in a bowl with soup, and mixed with vegetables. We got to share stories from our day at the school, and learn more about each other. It was amazing to see how our LCF students could find ways to communicate and connect even with the language barrier. After dinner, the LCF team got to discuss the day, and talk about favorite part of the day.

Prayer Requests:

God will open the Seiko students eyes and hearts to see Him through our actions.

LCF students strength and endurance for the rest of the week.

Growth in the relationships between the LCF and Japanese students.

-Paige Bliss and Hayden West

Cory Thomason