
In every community there are children and families at a point of crisis who need help. In those same communities, there are people who care and want to take action. CarePortal is a technology platform that connects vulnerable children and families to people who have something to give. Social workers uncover the needs and CarePortal makes local churches aware, giving them a real-time opportunity to respond. If you would like to be part of a new ministry team providing tangible, physical help to families/children in need, you can sign up here. If you have any questions about this ministry, contact Kurt Huber.


Kaden’s Kloset

Kaden’s Kloset is a donations based and volunteer run organization that supplies material items and necessities for families, sustains ongoing services for foster and adoptive families, and equips people to engage in caring for children and families in need.

LCF is a host of a Kaden’s Kloset site located in the basement of the Pastoral Care Center across from the church office.


  • Donate time, talents, and/or resources (tax receipts available upon request)

  • Share about Kaden’s Kloset: Liberty by helping get the word out in the community and by following and sharing updates on our Facebook page.

  • Bless and encourage our shoppers by establishing ongoing relationships with families and assisting them while they shop.

Contact Stefanie Means ( to find out more information about how you can help.


In As Much Ministries


In As Much Ministries works to provide food for upward of 1,900 families per year in our community. They are one of our regular ministry partners here in the Northland, providing a valuable and much needed resource to many within our community. They are regularly updating their list of most-needed items, which we will work to keep up-to-date in the list below.



Current Needs

Gluten-Free Items


Pasta Sauce

Almond Butter

Olive Oil



Cake/Brownie Mixes


Natural Household Cleaners

Service Opportunity

In As Much is making deliveries to homebound clients. If you are interested and available to help drive those deliveries, you can let them know by calling (816) 781-6357. You can also inform them during their weekly dropoff time.

When you are at church, pick up a black grocery bag to fill with non-perishable goods. Return it to church on Sunday or during office hours and our team will deliver your items to the pantry.

Dropoff Location

In As Much Ministry
2050 Plumbers Way, #190
Liberty, MO 64068

Dropoff Time

Wednesdays: 9:00am-11:00am


Liberty Women’s Clinic

One of the heartbreaking realities surrounding the increased uncertainty, instability, and unemployment of this season is that women across the nation who are facing unplanned pregnancies are more readily turning to abortion, rather than seeking abortion alternatives. Here in our own community, Liberty Women’s Clinic is seeing an increase in the number of abortion-minded phone calls and interactions with women from the Northland.

LCF has a valuable partnership with the Liberty Women’s Clinic. We believe in the lifesaving work they do here in our community. Liberty Women’s Clinic is continuing to serve virtually; using phone calls, texts, emailing and video sharing to educate women on the full range of options available during an unplanned pregnancy. They want women to know abortion is not the only way to get through the next few months, while emotional and economic uncertainties prevail. Liberty Women’s Clinic comes alongside these women with Christ’s love and hope, connecting them 1-by-1 to the information and resources (food banks, gap-closing organizations, etc) they need to survive. The Liberty Women’s Clinic serves as a bridge from desperation to hope for women who find themselves in difficult and unexpected circumstances. 

The best way to support the Liberty Women’s Clinic during this season is with financial support. If you are interested in doing so, you can use the link below.

Liberty Women’s Clinic Giving Page