Devoted followers of Jesus make disciples through the context of intentional relationship, allowing the gospel to impact their own lives in such a way that faith in Jesus is multiplied in the lives of others around them.
“...and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”
Having been saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, all followers of Jesus are to live out the command to “make disciples of all nations.” Devoted followers of Jesus make disciples through the context of intentional relationship, allowing the gospel to impact their own lives in such a way that faith in Jesus is multiplied in the lives of others around them. This includes sharing the message of the gospel, known as evangelism, and teaching others what it means to follow Christ. Making disciples, or other devoted followers of Jesus, is not solely the work of those in ministry professions, but is a gospel-motivated responsibility for all who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ. By sharing the truth of the gospel and all its practical implications, followers of Jesus point others toward faith in Christ and increased faithfulness to Christ.
Other Verses: Matthew 28: 18-20, 1 Corinthians 11:1

Below, are two easily transferable rhythms, scriptural and relational, that are important aspects in any disciple-making relationship.
These questions provide a helpful framework for scriptural study and discussion.
What does this passage say?
What does this passage mean?
What does this passage command/demand of me?
How does this passage change how I view or relate to God?
How does this passage influence my relationships with others?
How does this passage prompt me to pray?
Who should I share the truths of this passage with?
The HEAR Method is a helpful way to work through scripture in a discipleship relationship.
These habits provide a helpful framework for engaging in intentional relationship.
Commitment to regular interaction and communication
Scriptural study and discussion
Personal transparency and accountability
Loving challenge and encouragement toward holiness
Participation in Kingdom service
Commissioning for multiplication

Listed below are resources we believe are helpful in the discipleship process.
Whole Bible In One Year
Full text of the Bible split into five reading days per week.
Robert Murray M’Cheyne Reading Plan
Once through the Old Testament, twice through the New Testament, and Psalms
Major Theme of The Bible
Read the full scope of the Bible’s narrative over the course of one year.
A 260 day reading plan through foundational passages of scripture.
“This devotional-style commentary series provides people with a practical application of God’s written word, exalting Jesus as the hero of every book” -from their website
“Expository guides which walk you through books of the Bible verse-by-verse.” -from their website
HEAR Method of Scripture Reading
A helpful scripture reading method that incorporates our scriptural rhythms of Discipleship.
Marks of a Devoted Follower of Christ
A list of questions to help you evaluate the character and competency of the people you are discipling.
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