When did you come to know Jesus?
I heard the gospel for the first time during an LCF student ministry out-reach event during the summer before my sophomore year of high school. I had been invited by a friend and came for reasons that had nothing do with God or Jesus. But God had very different plans for that day! I had plenty of questions after listening to Kennon Vaughan, the youth pastor at the time, explain the gospel. Kennon and I met the next day at a local Chinese restaurant where we talked through my questions and I prayed to receive salvation by grace through faith in Jesus.
How long have you been at LCF?
I began serving as the youth pastor at LCF in December of 2011. Following a year-long transition process with Kim May, the founding pastor of LCF, I stepped into the lead pastor role in January of 2015.
Tell us a little bit about your family.
I have been married to my wife Melody since June of 2009. For reasons yet to be determined, she agreed to marry me and even appears to be pleased with the decision all these years later. We do not have any children yet, but we do have one very fluffy dog named Margo.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I love spending time with Melody, running further than most people would consider necessary or rational, reading, eating delicious food (and by that I mostly mean KC barbeque and Mexican food) and all things sports related – specifically cheering for the Missouri Tigers, KC Chiefs, and KC Royals.