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HEAR Method of Scripture Reading
A bible reading method to help discover the truth of any passage of scripture.
X-Ray Questions
These questions from David Powlison are a helpful way to examine what is happening in your own heart.
Look at the Book
A Bible study resource from John Piper for understanding particular passages of scripture and growing more confident in your ability to study scripture.
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Discipleship Resources
Bible reading plans, resources recommendations, teachings, and other information that is helpful in a discipleship relationship or on your own.
The Bible Initiative
The Bible Initiative is a one year reading plan that LCF worked through as a church in 2017.
Worship With Brian
Additional worship resources from Brian Bliss.
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Weekly Kidspoint Lessons'
Virtual Spring Retreat
We were disappointed to not be able to have our actual Spring Retreat in person, but we want to encourage students to spend extended time with the Lord.
Marriage Resources
In this time of great need, we want to continue to serve our congregation as well as our community. Click below to see ways you can serve alongside us.
If you are someone who has physical or emotional needs due to the current COVID-19 social distancing measures that we are all adjusting to, we want to be able to engage our congregation in serving you and helping to meet those needs. If you are someone who would be willing to serve others within our body by making yourself available to meet another’s physical or emotional needs, we want to engage you in doing so. Use the form below in order to communicate with us either the needs you have or your availability/willingness to meet the needs of others.