Kerry Broyles




When did you come to know Jesus?

When did I come to know Jesus?  I came to know Jesus at the age of 29 attending a men's bible study at a local grocery store on Wednesday mornings.  Growing up I attended church, but never had a true relationship with the Lord.  These men faithfully shared the word and their own experiences with me.  The spirit showed me something different about these men that I didn't have in my own life, JESUS!

How long have you been at LCF?

My wife and I were married in 2016 and joined LCF in 2017.  After retiring from education in 2022, I came on staff at LCF as the executive pastor.  

Tell us a little bit about your family.

Jackie and I have 7 children between us.  We have been truly blessed by the Lord in bringing our two families together as a blended family. In recent years we have added several grandchildren to the mix.  

What do you like to do in your free time?

Camping has become a new passion of ours in recent years.  Nothing better than sitting by a campfire looking out over the lake with friends.  Any other spare time I have is either working on a home improvement project, or doing life with our grandchildren.