We seek to provide a time of honoring and glorifying the Lord through worship, teaching, fellowship, and serving of one another.  We as a church intentionally build devoted followers of Christ through every aspect of our service.

We value God’s people and when you walk into LCF’s doors we want you to know you have a place of belonging here.


8:00, 9:45, & 11:30AM




Communion is generally celebrated on the third Sunday of each month.  All believers in Jesus Christ are invited to participate – children as well, at the discretion of their parents.

Someone will introduce this time and give directions. Stations are located around the perimeter of the sanctuary where you and your family or friends may serve yourselves. Worship will continue during this important time as you move to the communion station, partake, then return to your seat.

Children & Communion

Typically our children birth-2nd grade stay for the first couple of songs with their families in adult worship, while our 3rd-5th graders immediately go to their class for community and worship time.  However, on Communion Sundays our 3rd-5th graders will join the rest of their family in the sanctuary for worship.  Children will be released to go to their class after the first couple of songs, but prior to communion.  If your child has professed Jesus Christ as Lord, you may choose to have them stay with you through communion and then go to class.


Baptism is a public declaration of one’s faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is LCF’s conviction that baptism is an obedient response to faith in Christ. Baptism is the outward profession of a saving faith that has happened within the heart of a believer. It does not save anyone or add to a person’s salvation. Instead, baptism by immersion represents death to a self-directed life and transformation into a Christ-devoted life, one of continual submission and obedience to the Lord.

If you are interested in baptism, contact the office or one of the pastors listed below:

Adults: Tim Fritson,
Students: Erica Thomason,
Children: Libby Skillman,

Greeters & Ushers

Greeters and Ushers stand ready to give you a warm welcome, bulletin, handshake, and a smile.  They will help you find a seat in our sanctuary or direct you to wherever you’d like to go in the church.

Tithes & Offerings

Tithes and Offerings are received in designated boxes located in the lobby and the back of the sanctuary.  You will find tithe and offering envelopes inserted in your bulletin for your convenience.  Online giving is also available through our website. For more information about where your money goes, pick up a copy of LCF’s operating budget at the Welcome Center.



We seek to provide a time of honoring and glorifying the Lord through worship, teaching, fellowship, and serving of one another.  We as a church intentionally build devoted followers of Christ through every aspect of our service.


At LCF, children enjoy worshiping with their families for the first part of the service. We want our children to learn the value of worship.  We believe one of the best ways for them to do that is to see it modeled by their parents and other adults in our corporate service. Therefore, children join us in the sanctuary during the first worship set of each service. The children are then dismissed to their classes for age-appropriate lessons. Classes are available for children 3 months to 5th grade.



Liberty Christian Fellowship emphasizes biblical teaching with messages from lead pastor Tim Fritson, and a team of other gifted teachers. They challenge listeners to hear and apply scripture as the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God.

Listen to a Message
