
Libby Skillman

Children's Pastor



When did you come to know Jesus?

God, in His mercy, put a desire in my heart for Him as a young child. Along with my mom, many godly church volunteers invested in revealing Christ to me. I attended youth camp and gave my life to Jesus. I joined a weekly bible study, was rebaptized in the Missouri River and attended a weekend coffeehouse.

However, while I had glimpses of Jesus’ grace and love for me, I could not rest in that love. I lived in fear that I had not done something correctly and therefore would not spend eternity with Him. Finally, I cried out to God that I could not go on without His assurance. Through the words of the song, Amazing Grace, I was filled with faith that my salvation was secure through the finished work of Christ. My aim is to see everyone live in the freedom of truth Jesus provides.

How long have you been at LCF?

I was hired in August, 1989. At the beginning of LCF’s formation there was no paid staff besides the pastor. Children’s ministry was totally volunteer driven.  Concerned for the growing number of kids, the leadership team began to pray.  As a young mom with a toddler and 6 month old baby, I pondered what the Lord had for me next.  I began to sense that the church was going to ask me to join the staff as Children’s Ministry Director. Less than a week later I was approached and accepted the job, 10 hours/week for acquiring volunteers and curriculum. There has never been a quicker hire and the certainty of His calling has been my anchor.

My job has continued to evolve going from director to children’s pastor. Further hours and part time children’s ministry staff were added.  In 2013 I became full time. I love my job and consider myself to be privileged to be paid to tell children and families about Jesus. Furthermore, recognizing that parents are the primary disciplers of their children, I consider it a huge joy to coach and serve families. 

Tell us a little bit about your family.

I met John on a blind date as a sophomore at William Jewell College. He was a junior with a red convertible and a fraternity man.  Our first date highlights include John hitting me between the eyes with his straw cover and my water baptism conversation starter. Despite our unusual beginning, we fell in love and married the weekend after I graduated.

We have been blessed with 3 wonderful children, first a daughter Katie (now married to Phil) and then two sons, Miles (now married to Katelyn with a son, Jude) and finally Jacob. Being a parent to these three has been our joy. It has been a delight to see them come to know and grow in their walk with Christ. They continue to work out their beliefs and faith. Struggles have come to each of us, but He continues to prove Himself faithful. 

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love spending time with friends and family with the ultimate high of babysitting my grandson. Reading has always been a passion with a bent toward biographies and mysteries (Yeah, Agatha Christie).  I enjoy creating and I find satisfaction in taking furniture and stuff and making a room look inviting. Our family enjoys driving through neighborhoods looking at character homes.  John and I love the beach and enjoy vacations at the lake with our children. Holidays are cherished and we love those times when everyone is present. One of my life long dreams is to go to Israel with John and a group of friends that love Jesus!