Engage Class

Engage class is designed to be the first point of connection for those considering LCF as their church home. Engage is an evening of conversation about LCF. The group serves as a foundation for those who wish to understand and live as a devoted follower of Jesus Christ at LCF. Content of the evening discussion includes an overview of our church and our doctrine, core values and ministries at LCF. The goal of the evening is to equip you to ENGAGE in the Body of Christ at LCF.  Engage also gives you the chance to interact with and meet our staff!

Discover Your Ministry Workshop

Once a year we offer a workshop that focuses on helping believers pursue the understanding of their God-given ministry uniqueness.  Participants will explore spiritual gifts, personality, and ministry passions. The workshop offers assistance in knowing where to dig to find the answers that can be life-changing as you discover God’s plan for your life.

Check the events page to see if we are offering either of these two classes.



As a church we desire to bring glory to God by building devoted followers of Jesus Christ.   This is our mission and process for discipleship. The gospel informs us how we serve one another.  The gospel informs us that the overflow of a disciples life, is one of service.  We serve, encourage and love one another in the Lord.  We build up one another into the maturity that Christ commands.  The heart of a devoted disciple is not one of self-focus, but desires to serve and love others towards the same maturity in Christ. 

Service is the overflow of a devoted follower.  One of the ways we pursue and live out this discipleship trait is through volunteer opportunities.  There are many places to serve at LCF.  You have the opportunity to show the greatness and love of God to others in our community and at LCF through your service.