
Erica Thomason

student Pastor



When did you come to know Jesus?

I learned about the idea of Jesus when I was in high school, but I was attending youth group and church mostly out of obligation. After my freshman year in college, I really started to pursue a relationship Him and had the opportunity to be mentored and be involved in community at Kansas State University. After my first year in college, I was baptized at my church in Manhattan, Kansas. I have had the opportunity to serve in ministry roles at summer camps and at a variety of churches and have loved growing my relationship with Jesus and in turn learning what it looks like to love others. 

How long have you been at LCF?

I attended LCF in high school and throughout college when I was home from school. I worked as a summer intern for LCF in 2014, started working as the assistant youth pastor in May 2016, and started the Student Pastor role in 2022. 

Tell us a little bit about your family.


I grew up in a family of five here in Liberty, with two loving parents, a brother, and a sister. My husband Cory and I dated throughout high school and college and were married in the summer of June 2015. We have a Bernedoodle named Zuzu who we love very much, even though she is constantly destroying our house.

What do you like to do in your free time?

One of my favorite things to do is spending time outside with friends, especially if we are doing something active. I also love every opportunity I get to travel with my husband Cory or our friends.